

At Voices of Music, access to music is fundamental to our mission.

We provide a free library of video, audio and musical scores.

Accessibility at concerts includes wheelchair access, seating for those
with service animals and large print programs upon request



Highlights of all concerts or complete concerts are available for free, online, for those who for any reason
cannot travel to a concert or attend a concert in person.

These videos may be accessed anywhere in the world, at any time, with an internet connection.
We are in the process of providing closed captions (CC) for our complete library.



MOBILITY: Folks are more than welcome to sit in the lobby or be let in early if standing in line is an issue.
Mobility seating can be found throughout our concert spaces, allowing for excellent concert experience.

SERVICE ANIMALS: Audience members with service animals are welcome, and with advance notice will be given reserved seating.

WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBILITY: All our concerts and education programs are wheelchair accessible, so are the bathrooms.

VISION: Large print programs are provided upon request at the concert, and the programs are also made available in PDF online.

ASL INTERPRETERS: For our school presentations an ASL interpreter will be arranged with advance notice.

All of our programs take place at ADA compliant venues.